Say "No!" to Vaccine Passports
To our misfortune, there are some powerful people in U.S. leadership, and internationally, who would like to use Covid to reset the world and change the way we live forever.
Illustration by Chad Crowe
I issue this appeal to those of you running large entertainment venues, to sports arenas, to concert venues, movie theaters, please require folks to get vaccinated or show a negative test as a condition of entry.
-Pres. Joe Biden September 9, 2021
It’s not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about data. And once this rolls out you don’t have a choice about being part of the system.
-Naomi Wolf, former political advisor to the campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore
We must never accept vaccine passports or tracking apps as the new normal. If we do, it will be the end of freedom.
-Matt Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel
There are multiple reasons why people are disenchanted with our official response to COVID-19. These contrarians range from the vaccine hesitant, to those who are concerned about civil liberties, to conspiracy theorists, and many points of view in-between.
There are also others who have complied with everything from the masks, to the distancing, to the vaccines, but are not comfortable with the totalitarian direction in which various government agencies are moving in their Covid response.
Still others don’t know who to believe, and feel inadequate to make their own judgments, so they’re putting their trust in the CDC, AMA, FDA, and various government leaders and other authorities and “experts.”
But all these different groups must come together in rejecting the practice of requiring proof of vaccination and/or regular testing, for permission to participate in society.
It was alarming how Pres. Biden approached his announcement to the Press and the American people on September 9, 2021. While reassuring the nearly 75% of Americans who are vaccinated that they’re safe from Covid, he mandated vaccination for millions of others, promoted booster shots without FDA approval, called for vaccination of our children, and incited anger against the unvaccinated.
Pres. Biden stated, “My first responsibility as President is to protect the American people and make sure we have enough vaccine for every American, including enough boosters…”
Actually, Mr. President, your most important responsibility is to keep the Oath of Office you took on Inauguration Day, when you promised to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Pres. Biden continued, “This is not about freedom or personal choice, it’s about protecting yourself and those around you…My job as president is to protect all Americans.”
Again, no. That is not your job as president. There isn’t one word in the Oath of Office about safety. To the apparent surprise (or disappointment) of totalitarian-leaning people everywhere, there are more important things in life than safety.
In America, it’s always about freedom and personal choice, no matter the issue.
Until 245 years ago, the history of the world was full of rule by force - through royal lines, or through the most powerful few controlling the masses. With the unforgettable statement that “All men are created equal…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” a beautiful, yet messy, experiment in self-determination was born.
And that is what vaccine passports are Not about. All of a sudden the growing Nanny State that has been nagging at us for years, feels it’s necessary to protect us from ourselves and each other.
Not only that, but the Nanny State feels justified in causing people to lose their jobs, their college opportunities, their professional and personal associations, and their first amendment rights, if they won’t put a drug in their arms, that the government insists they must have, even if they don’t want it.
And let’s experiment on our children, too, because if they’re vaccinated, it makes the adults around them feel safer. No matter that children aren’t big spreaders of Covid, are not at serious risk from the disease, and could be at risk for long-term side effects from the vaccines. We simply don’t have the data to know.
These all-knowing leaders don’t believe that people should be free to react to the Covid threat around them in the way they feel is best. No. You MUST protect yourself in the way the government feels is best.
In this time of unprecedented overreach, when the President of the United States lectures us that our Covid response is not about freedom, it’s important that we remind him that, actually, it is.
There are various points that can be made about our response to the pandemic, and multiple reasons for questioning that response. But there needs to be one laser focus for everyone who is uncomfortable with what is happening: Say “No!” to vaccine passports.
Why is this the most important point? Because if we surrender our freedom of choice and movement now, for convenience and a desire to “get back to normal,” we will never get it back.
Don’t attend events that require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test. Let organizers know why you’re not attending. If enough people stay away, they’ll get rid of their Covid requirements.
Do not comply with college requirements for vaccination; they are unconstitutional. Join with other students and protest.
Don’t visit New York City, and other like-minded places until they remove the vaccine mandates. Instead give your money and support to cities that are inclusive – not to the ones that are ostracizing half of their citizenry and controlling the rest based on vaccination status.
Don’t quit your job because there is a vaccine requirement. Make them fire you, then file a lawsuit for violation of your civil liberties.
Defend people’s right to choose. Coercion is not informed consent. If they can force people to get a vaccine today in order to participate in day-to-day life, what will they require tomorrow?
Be a seeker of truth, not a repeater of headlines. Harvard Business School in Cambridge, MA just announced they’re going online because too many students tested positive for Covid, despite the fact that over 95% of their students and faculty are fully vaccinated. Vaccination does not prevent the spread of Covid. Also, a positive Covid test does not equate illness. Hospitals in Cambridge have ample space, according to the Massachusetts Covid dashboard.
If Harvard weren’t testing faculty and students three times a week, they probably wouldn’t even know about Covid cases. Just as with the perfectly healthy hosts on The View, who had to leave the stage because their Covid tests came back positive, and Kamala Harris was about to arrive on the set, most people testing positive are either asymptomatic or not seriously ill.
Stop talking about how the vaccines shouldn’t be mandated because natural immunity counts too. While that’s relevant from a medical science standpoint, it has no bearing on vaccine passports which are an invasion of privacy whether they’re asking for proof of your vaccination, or asking to see your negative Covid test.
Believe the evidence of your own eyes. Are you surrounded by multiple family, friends, and neighbors who are becoming seriously ill with Covid? Many of us know someone who has been ill with Covid, and maybe even someone who died, but is the pandemic really raging at this point in time, as we're told every day?
The American Cancer Society reports that more people die in the U.S. every day from cancer, than from Covid. How many in your circle have died in the past two years due to cancer or some other illness or accident, as opposed to those who have died from Covid?
Can you actually provide data for one supposed super spreader that has come from an event in a stadium, theater, or large public gathering in the past year?
Ask questions. Push back.
It actually doesn’t matter if mRNA vaccines are experimental, or if the long-term data isn’t there for the vaccines, unless they mandate that everyone take the jab. There’s always someone willing to participate in new medical advances – that’s why they call it the "practice of medicine." But the right to choose what goes in your body is too precious to give up for convenience or "safety."
Don’t think for one minute that if you continue to comply with wearing face masks, and you get the vaccine so you can participate in society, that the pandemic will eventually end and the control will stop. It won’t.
To our misfortune, there are some powerful people in U.S. leadership, and internationally, who would like to use Covid to reset the world and change the way we live forever. Winston Churchill once said that “Democracy is the worst form of government – except all those other forms that have been tried.”
Western civilization and democracy have taken a beating throughout the pandemic response. Those of us who love the American experiment need to speak up, speak out, and act out of conscience - not convenience - or we will lose our way of life.
Minor changes made to some wording, for clarity of expression, on 09-29-21.