The people and dark forces behind the Covid mania are tools of the devil and useful idiots at best, and demonic at worst. They will receive their full measure of Godly wrath in due time. Of that I am sure and comforted as I don’t hold out much hope for true justice here on Earth. Thank you for this article that seeks to warn us before Canada is totally destroyed trying to ‘save’ us from ourselves. What arrogant, full of hubris tripe of fools running this benighted country. 😢

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Hi Ross, It's not often someone finds an article I wrote two years ago, and takes the time to comment. Thanks for that. Yes, I think it's obvious to anyone honestly looking that there are very "dark forces" behind much of what is going on today. The challenge is to see it, but not become absorbed by it while pushing back. God is in charge, but we are supposed to do what we can to expose evil and promote conditions that allow for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," wherever we live.

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Thank you for your encouragement to do our best and leave the rest for God to sort out! These past few years have been so discouraging for me personally and the insanity that seems to be destroying the country is stupefying. Someone on a podcast who is a Christian who believes that we are rounding the corner to the rise of the Antichrist said, “what did you think k the end would be like?”, inferring as Jesus did that things are going to get ugly at the end if you believe in this Christian eschatology, which I do. I look to Heaven, regardless of the details. I really enjoyed your articles. I hope you keep it up! 👍🏻👏 Thank you!

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Discouragement and alarm are natural reactions to what we've witnessed over the past four years, but I'm hopeful that there are enough of us to turn things around. I take comfort in the Serenity Prayer that most of us have heard in various forms, but I like this version: God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot Change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. I don't see anything in there about rolling over and just taking it! But I do see a reason for peace, even in a chaotic world. Thank you, Ross! I will keep writing. (If you become a free subscriber to my Substack, you'll be notified of posts, like the one I just uploaded on May 30.)

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