
Thanks for your comments, Mark and Doug! I think the next "emergency" will not be a pandemic. It's too soon and I don't think most people would comply. Hopefully enough people who see how we've been manipulated throughout the Covid response will recognize the same tactics when it comes to climate change, an international conflict, or some other kind of unrest. We have to ask, "If they lied about Covid, what else do they lie about?"

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The only thing that I can hope for is that the cartel of Big Pharma and the Medía that shills for them have gone too far in denial and enough of the public will stop listening to them. When Gov't tries another scaremongering "pandemic" or other emergency the compliance will be puny, the pushback massive. I can hope and dream.

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Yeah, I found that a chilling commercial. Gas-lighting is a good term for what big pharma is doing to us.

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