
Good insights, Rob! Thanks for the links to the other articles.

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Bird flu has been and continues to be a way to create fear by needlessly slaughtering birds that are sick for many other reasons, primarily from horrible conditions at factory farms.


If we go deeper into history, we see that many so called pandemics were caused by many issues. Mike Yeadon and Sasha Latypova have noticed that history was doctored, particularly the Spanish flu, which is used as one of the major stories to point to about disaster. Never mind that it happened during a world war, lol

It's not just Spanish flu though, it's every pandemic:


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Another stellar article - wish I could "like" it multiple times!

One clarification: It is not really accurate to say that it is the rapidity of mutation that is the key differentiator among infectious families - *everything* evolves b/c copying is *never* 100%. The polio virus of today is not the same one from 50 years ago, for example.

A fundamental misperception about what immunity means contributes to the confusion. Immunity means only that the body has been prepared to recognize and attack a particular pathogen. So, it is always a race b/n the ability of the pathogen to replicate and spread w/n the body before the immune system wipes it out, whether that is measles, polio, flu or the common cold.

The respiratory pathogens are present in the "soup" we swim in 24 hours a day so we are constantly being exposed to them and our immune system faithfully mounts its best defense against them. Such consistent exposure is why a single shot or natural exposure is sufficient to grant lifetime immunity. The immune system never has time to forget how to defend against it. For pathogens that require other means of transmission, the immune system eventually forgets how to defend against it and so a booster shot can safely remind it what to do. See tetanus, for example.

In sum, the differentiator is the speed of replication and spread. One that replicates quicker will naturally evolve more rapidly than one which is slower to replicate. So, we get the common cold or flu over and over. It isn't that the immune system has abruptly forgotten how to deal w/ it, just that it infects so rapidly that we are aware to some degree of the battle being mounted by our immune system to eradicate it.

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Thanks for your support of my writing, and for your insightful comments, Mark!

That makes sense that it's not just the "rapidity of mutation that is the key differentiator among infectious families," but also the means of transmission is relevant. Something like tetanus is not as ever-present in our environment as respiratory pathogens, so we're not constantly fighting it, and a booster shot can remind the body what to do. Whereas we get colds and flu over and over and the immune system is always mounting a defense against them, sometimes symptomatically. "The differentiator is the speed of replication and spread," not just the speed of mutation. I would also mention that diseases like polio and tetanus do not have an animal reservoir. Colds and flus infect humans and animals, which contributes to our constant exposure to respiratory viruses.

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Lori- Thanks for your careful research, your ability to state a point clearly, and your understanding of human nature. You deserve an honorary PhD in Common Sense. I thank you for what you are doing for so many of us. David A. Christensen

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Thanks so much for your support. It means a lot to me!!

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