Words Matter
Something that has been taking people by surprise is the Progressives’ redefinition of our language, leading the push to redefine societal and cultural norms.
Here’s a little excerpt from the Senate Judiciary Hearings being conducted this week for U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. Spoiler alert: the nominee cannot define the word “woman” because she is “not a biologist.”
Senator Marsha Blackburn: In United States v. Virginia (1996), the Supreme Court struck down VMI’s male only admission policy. Writing for the majority, Justice Ginsburg stated, “Supposed inherent differences are no longer accepted as a ground for race or national origin classifications. Physical differences between men and women, however, are enduring. The two sexes are not fungible. A community made up exclusively of one sex is different from a community composed of both.” Do you agree with Justice Ginsburg that there are physical differences between men and women that are enduring?
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson: Um. Senator, respectfully I am not familiar with that particular quote or case so it’s hard for me to comment as to whether…
Sen. Blackburn: Okay, I’d love to get your opinion on that and you can submit that. Do you interpret Justice Ginsburg’s meaning of men and women as male and female?
Judge Jackson: Again, because I don’t know the case, I don’t know how I interpret it. I need to read the whole thing.
Sen. Blackburn: “Okay. Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”
Judge Jackson: “Can I provide a definition? No. I can’t.
Sen. Blackburn: You can’t?
Judge Jackson: Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.
Sen Blackburn: So the meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can’t give me a definition?
Judge Jackson: Senator in my work as a judge what I do is I address disputes. If there’s a dispute about a definition, people make arguments and I look at the law, and I decide.
Sen. Blackburn: The fact that you can’t give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is, underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about.”
Words matter, as we all know. Something that has been taking people by surprise is the Progressives’ redefinition of our language, leading the push to redefine societal and cultural norms. In the White House’s 2022 fiscal year budget, the word “mothers” was replaced with “birthing people” in a section about public health funding. AOC likes to use the word “menstruating person” instead of “woman,” in order to “honor” those who are transitioning, who might feel marginalized by the idea that only women have menses.
Think about it. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL Pro-Choice America), states, “We use gender neutral language when talking about pregnancy, because it’s not just cisgender women that can get pregnant and give birth.”
Some of you may ask, “What is a cisgender woman?” Well, that’s another word for you. Cisgender means you identify with the sex that you were at birth, male or female. I refuse to use the term.
Author JK Rowling, who has been a big proponent of LGBTQ+ rights, believes the current changes have gone too far. She states, “I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.”
Yes, the door is open. Leah Thomas, a biological male who identifies as female, won the women’s 500-yard NCAA title last week. I haven't looked into the details of Thomas' transition, but Leah is built like, and sounds like a male. Leah also competed on the men's team for two years before joining the women's team. Reportedly, in the dressing room, Thomas has parts the others don't. Yet there Thomas is on the podium taking first place. And there is the national press and other woke people praising progress and equity. As The New York Times stated, “Thomas, who competes for the University of Pennsylvania, became the first openly transgender woman to win an NCAA swimming championship.” Yay. Kind of makes you wonder why so much effort was put into protecting women's sports through Title IX.
In Utah on March 22, 2022 Governor Spencer J. Cox vetoed HB11, which would require transgender athletes to compete in the sport that matches their biological sex. Cox became the second Republican Governor in one week, following Gov. Eric Holcomb of Indiana, to veto legislation protecting girls’ sports. Cox said that a trans athlete has to complete “a full year of difficult transition hormone therapy and in consultation with a health care professional” to be able to compete in women’s sports. “Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few,” said Cox, mentioning that in Utah there are only “four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something.”
I think Gov. Cox needs to read the parable of the camel. It goes something like this:
One cold night, a camel asks his master if he can put his head in the tent for warmth. “By all means and welcome,” said the man; and the camel stretches his head into the tent. Soon after, the camel inquires if he may also bring his neck and front legs inside. Again, the master agrees.
Finally, the camel asks, “May I not stand wholly within?” With pity, the master beckons him into the warm tent. But when the camel comes forward it becomes clear that the tent is too small for them both. “I think,” the camel said, “that there is not room for both of us here. It will be best for you to stand outside, as you are the smaller; there will then be room enough for me.” And with that, the man is forced outside of his tent.
Cited from a blog post: https://www.mawer.com/the-art-of-boring/blog/beware-the-camel-in-the-tent
Leah Thomas is a good example for Governor Cox of what happens when you look only at the present in your own corner, and do not consider the long-term or broader world picture. As mentioned, some female athletes have already lost competitions and scholarships to biological males who identify as female. Not okay.
Any normal person of compassion feels sympathy for youths struggling with the host of challenges and insecurities which we all go through as we progress through the teen years and into adulthood. Gender identity issues are one of the many challenges facing youths today, and those who live this struggle should be treated kindly and with respect. But it is not respectful to provide for transgender individuals at the expense of women and girls. I submit that telling girls to be quiet and compassionate about trans issues, because many trans struggle with depression and suicide, is emotionally abusive.
If you feel the same, I recommend you send a quick email to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today and let them know why you believe that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is not fit for the U.S. Supreme Court. We do not need a Progressive liberal who can’t define “woman” making decisions that affect our entire country and Constitution for the next 30+ years. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/about/members. (If Jackson's nomination goes to the full Senate, it's likely she will be approved, with Kamala Harris having the deciding vote if there is a tie.)
Also, if you live in Utah, let your State Senator and Representative know that you want them to overturn Governor Cox’s veto when they meet in the special legislative session for that purpose tomorrow March 25, 2022. This link allows you to look up the Senator and Rep for your District: https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict2022.jsp (Everything recently changed as a result of redistricting due to the Census.) Then go to this link to look up their email addresses: https://le.utah.gov/Documents/find.htm
While most people are just trying to put food on the table, take care of their family and friends, and live their lives, there are others actively pursuing harmful ideologies and laws that undermine bedrock principles pertaining to our society. The time is past to think that “someone else will do it.” It’s up to each of us to makes our voices heard, because words matter, and we need to ensure that we’re using the ones that properly protect everyone, while sustaining the founding principles of our Nation.
Updated 03-28-22 to correct typos and make minor changes.