Will You Protect The Children?
We must protect our little ones from those who have shown themselves willing to harm children, in the name of “safety” and “public health,” to further their own selfish interests.
“For the best protection, CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older and boosters for everyone 5 years and older, if eligible.”
Centers for Disease Control statement June 17, 2022
“The whole mistake in this pandemic is the complete neglect of the incredibly important role of the innate immune system to defend against the virus.”
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD in Virology, involved in vaccine R&D
Remember how the Ministry of Magic used the wizarding paper The Daily Prophet to discredit Harry Potter and Dumbledore when they said that Voldemort had returned? Most people believed the slander because it was coming from the government and media. Plus, no one wanted to believe what Harry and Dumbledore were saying, so it was easier to listen to the official narrative. The Prophet made Harry look unbalanced, and Dumbledore look like he was slipping into dementia. Harry lost friends and was treated horribly, Dumbledore lost titles and positions, and the Ministry issued useless policies and pamphlets to try to make themselves look good and retain their power, actually making things worse. But we knew all along who the good guys were.
I bring this up because you will note in this post today that almost every doctor or scientist cited in this article has a Wikipedia profile that attempts to discount their extensive credentials and experience by stating that they have pedaled “Covid misinformation.” Those I’ll mention today are pro-vaccine in general, and in favor of the childhood vaccination schedule. Most of them have been involved in vaccine research and development during their careers, and some have even taken the Covid jab, but they have called for an immediate end to administering the Covid vaccines. Especially they are warning we should not use the mRNA vaccines on our infants and young children.
Why? Because the mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna shots may permanently damage infants’ and young children’s innate immune systems. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, states “we are suppressing the functional capacity in children to prevent autoimmune diseases” by giving them the Covid mRNA vaccines. Autoimmune diseases refer to problems with the acquired immune system’s reactions, in which immune cells target the body’s own healthy tissues by mistake, signaling the body to attack them.
How are the Pfizer and Moderna shots, recently extended by the FDA to those 6 months through age 4, different from traditional vaccines? Rather than exposing the body to part of the dead virus to cause an immune response, these shots deliver instructions directly to the body’s cells telling them to replicate the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, so the body will mount a defense against the disease before it even encounters it. The idea is that when the body actually encounters the virus, it will already know how to fight it.
Although the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots has been in research and development since the 1980s, it had never been used in vaccines before the Covid shots were developed. The Johnson & Johnson shot also is gene based, although it uses a different technology. These gene based Covid injections are still under Emergency Use Authorization; they are experimental.
A key safety rule for approving new medicines is to do blind clinical trials (meaning some receive the med and some don’t, and participants don’t know which group they’re in). Clinical trials determine in a small group the benefits and risks of the drug or vaccine, before making it available to the general population, a process that takes years for vaccines. But “Operation Warp Speed” developed Covid vaccines in less than a year and conducted only a few months of clinical trials, running phase 2 and phase 3 simultaneously, before a mass effort to vaccinate the world took place.
How has that gone? What have you observed? Remember when we were told the vaccines were 95% effective? (click here and here) I’m sure you have all noticed that Covid is infecting everyone, from members of your own circle to celebrities and public figures. We are now finding that the BA.5 variant of Omicron, which is becoming dominant, has learned to get around the vaccine and it is the vaccinated who are more susceptible to getting Covid, and becoming more ill with infection.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented mRNA technology in the 1980s, and has been involved in the development of vaccines, says fear has been weaponized against the population to incentivize Covid vaccination. He said it’s a false idea that “if we can only get these imperfect, leaky vaccines deployed universally, all across the age range, the elderly will be protected.” (A leaky vaccine is one that neither prevents disease nor the spread of disease.)
There is no logical or moral reason to inject infants and young children with the emergency authorized mRNA vaccines. Literally the only ones who will profit from giving Covid mRNA vaccines to infants and children are the drug companies and corrupt leaders. If the only problem were that the vaccines fail to prevent spread of disease, that would be one thing. Why not give them to our children, just in case they help? One reason is because the CDC reported on April 29, 2022 that approximately 75% of children and adolescents in the U.S. already have serologic evidence (determined through blood samples) of previous infection with SARS-CoV-2.
“You never give a vaccine to someone who has recovered from a disease,” says clinical pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, “It’s scientifically illogical.” Dr. Cole states, “Putting the needle with this gene in their arm is nothing short of child abuse – wrong shot, wrong protein, wrong virus.”
What does he mean by “wrong shot, wrong protein, wrong virus?”
Wrong shot - mRNA interferes with the innate immune system that is developing in young children, and is essential for their ability to fight disease throughout their lives. The mRNA shot also interferes with adults, but at least adults had some years to develop an innate immune system before receiving the Covid shot.
Wrong protein - The mRNA shot tells the cells to make the spike protein, and the body mounts a defense against it. But the spike is only one of 29 proteins in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Vaccine induced Covid “protection” trains the immune system to recognize only one part of the virus. This narrow protection may have had some minor efficacy to begin with, but the virus rapidly mutated, as all coronaviruses do. Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, explains that Omicron started off with more than 50 changes to the spike protein and then the subvariants of Omicron added 30 more. Because of all the mutations, the antibodies formulated to the original strain don’t bind strongly enough to neutralize the new strain.
Wrong virus - The Covid mRNA vaccines were formulated for the original Wuhan virus, which hasn’t been circulating in the population for over a year and a half; it was replaced by Delta, which was replaced by Omicron. The emergency-use-only Covid vaccines have never been modified during the entire pandemic. Dr. Risch explains that the old antibodies produced to fight the original strain of Covid become “interfering antibodies,” instead of neutralizing antibodies, causing negative vaccine efficacy. That is, they make the person more susceptible to disease. For example U.K. public health data through March 2022 found that in those above age 18, in every age group, the rates of symptomatic Covid infection were threefold higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated.
There is another reason why children, and actually everyone, should not be getting mRNA vaccinations and booster shots. In March 2021 Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, retired after 21 years as the head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz in Germany, warned of possible danger from the Covid mRNA shots. He explained that in natural Covid infection, the virus enters through the nose and throat, and then goes into the lungs; only in seriously progressed Covid would the virus then enter the blood stream. But the mRNA injection immediately enters the blood stream and instructs the body’s cells to create the spike protein in places where it would not normally occur through natural infection, such as the circulatory system and the brain.
Dr. Bhakdi warned that severe headaches, blood clots, heart issues, neurological diseases, Bell's Palsy, and a host of other problems would be the result. Bhakdi states, “If people get revaccinated, those side effects that will take place in the brain will be enforced and magnified, so those guys who escaped the first time may not escape a second time. With every revaccination it’s worse.” Unfortunately, he appears to have been right. (See examples of Covid vaccine damage in commercial airline pilots, and high performance athletes, click here and here. Also, look at this article on Justin and Hailey Bieber, in light of what has been discussed in this paper.)
The news media, government, and public health officials have kept the injuries and deaths caused by the vaccines as quiet as possible, but if you even just scratch the surface, the truth becomes evident. The high incidence of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart) after the Pfizer and Moderna shots became so evident, that the FDA added a warning to its patient and provider fact sheets on June 25, 2021.
A large warning signal of the danger of the Covid vaccines is the Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is a self-reporting system for identifying adverse reactions post vaccination. After 18 months of Covid vaccinations, the reports to VAERS are through the roof – higher than they’ve been for all other vaccines combined for the past 30 years.
Through July 1, 2022, there are 29,273 Covid vaccine related deaths listed in VAERS. In addition, there are over 1.3 million reports of adverse events including heart attacks, myocarditis, neurological problems, blood clots, strokes, miscarriages, menstrual disorders, shingles, partial paralysis, and many others. It’s estimated that events reported to VAERS represent only 1% of actual occurrences. Some officials have tried to wave away the VAERS data pointing out that reporting is voluntary and not conclusive. Yes, but the CDC does verify that the report is an actual case involving actual people before allowing the incident to remain.
Dr. Peter McCullough, world recognized cardiologist and epidemiologist, has chaired safety review committees and has been involved in product recalls. He said that after 90 days of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, Pfizer had recorded 1,223 deaths, of which 80% had occurred within one week of the shot – 50% within 48 hours. McCullough said “causality,” that is, proof that the drug caused the adverse events, is not the point; based on those numbers, the CDC should have stopped the vaccine rollout to do additional safety studies.
Dr. Malone says, “The norms that we’ve developed over decades to ensure safety have been grossly disregarded.” Dr. Vanden Bossche states, “We cannot have any other conclusion than that this is just a huge experiment on human beings.” Dr. Cole says, “This is a dangerous product…being used on humanity for a virus that no longer exists, that does nothing but cause increased disease in those who get a series of these shots.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the FDA, and the CDC continue to push forward with the vaccination program, and now they’re coming for our babies and toddlers. “Young children must be kept away from these vaccines,” states Dr. Vanden Bossche, “Even more worrisome than the side effects of the vaccines is the negative impact they have on the developing immune system in children.
Dr. Martin Makary of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine says the CDC and FDA, in authorizing Covid vaccines for young kids, are using bad data to make big decisions. Makary explains, “They’re [authorizing] this Covid vaccine for 16 million children, 90-plus percent of whom have already had Covid, based on a small study of kids who did not have Covid. That was the condition to be in that study. So ignoring natural immunity is actually having significant implications now. And even that small study that showed that it works in kids, shows it didn’t work very well, as low as 30% effective in the first few months. And that goes down the drain after a few months.”
Dr. Clare Craig, diagnostic pathologist and co-chair of the HART group in U.K. states that the clinical trial claiming the vaccine works for young children is highly flawed and inadequate.
Dr. James Thorp, an OB/GYN with 42 years’ experience in maternal/fetal medicine said in a June 15, 2022 interview, “We are playing with the entire future of human kind and human reproduction.” Thorp says there are now more than 1,700 peer-reviewed articles on Covid-vaccine related complications. He said, “This is unprecedented in the history of medicine where you could have such an outpouring of peer-reviewed publications documenting death and disastrous complications – published – and yet there’s no acknowledgment of it.”
We can ignore the warnings of these doctors, but I think taking a good look at credentials and motivation is crucial at this point in time. I believe it is time, getting back to my Harry Potter example, to decide whether we’re going to listen to the Ministry, or listen to Harry and Dumbledore.
There are three things we can do.
1) We need to educate ourselves and share the truth with others.
2) We can refuse to receive further Covid shots.
3) We must protect our little ones from those who have shown themselves willing to harm children, in the name of “safety” and “public health,” to further their own selfish interests.
(minor grammatical corrections made 09-02-22)